Wait, did I mention the driving? I guess unless you're a rider, that's pretty much what you do- drive across the country at around 20-30mph when following a rider, and 60-70mph when headed to your destination for the "night". The good news is, for the most part the drive isn't exactly the most unbearable thing ever. A few of you guys have asked to see what we see, and not just the back-end of the rider for hours at a time. So by popular demand, here is a day in the life of the Team ViaSat Crew: driving from Point A-Point B (featuring the Veronicas on commentary.)
Aw we're driving.... Oooh look at all the pretty colors!
Are we there yet??? Oooh mountains!
And we're driving again.... Wow that's a cool rock!
Where are we??? Look, that rock is saying "Fight On!"
And these sorts of moments pretty much make up the awesome parts of the trip that we love so much. (As a side note, special thanks to our drivers for putting up with us begging for Dinosaur Tracks, the Grand Canyon, and basically any national park or random attraction we pass by in a 3000 mile stretch, as well as fiddling with the radio non-stop both during our shift and while driving the in-betweens. We love you guys and hope you love us too, even if we drive you crazy!)
Over and Out!
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