OMGWTFBBQ??? Yes. There is a giant pumpkin in the middle of a field. Yes it's more than likely not a real pumpkin. Yes it's not only a pumpkin, it's a freaking Jack-O-Lantern. IN JUNE. (And don't you even comment "FAKE!" because seriously, you can't make this stuff up! At least we can't. Okay, maybe we could. But why would we? So not worth it.) Approx size: 10ft tall, maybe 10-15 diameter. At least. Serious.

Yes those are giant Elephant sculptures made out of metal. No, actually we think they're Wolly Mammoths. Crossing the desert to Borego Springs. Because, you know, that's where Mammoths love to go for their summer vacation.
We'll keep you posted as we come across more of the weird and wild things that make the great old US of A so awesome. (Until then, make sure you hit up YouTube and check out Andrew playing the anthem!)
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